Just last month a friend called me from the small town where I started my first internet department- mind you this was 6 years ago.
He calls me and says “Hey, remember the ‘Johnsons’ you sold that Corolla to when you worked at the dealership? Well, it was time for a new one so they submitted their information for a price quote on the dealer website and you wouldn’t believe who’s contact information came back in the auto-response email. Yours!”
I about fell over.
To think for 5 to 6 years now, thousands of emails have been sent with a phone number that goes to a disconnected line. Think they lost any sales?
Not to mention security issues which I will go into deeper in another article but imagine if I still had access (maybe I do) to the CRM tool and was able to go in and extract my customers history and probably more- like financial details.
Now this is an extreme example yet a true one and a great reason why dealerships should keep their CRM users updated and be testing their internet process and templates at least once a month.